Let’s walk together: Mario García Torres’ 15 year career
(Mexico City, 27 Feb 2016- 19 Jun 2016)
Museo Tamayo

Artist Mario García Torres’ first solo show in a Mexican museum curated by Sofía Hernández Chong-Cuy.

Let’s walk together (Caminemos juntos) collects the work that García Torres has produced over the past 15 years. Through photography, video & installation, the artist breaks academic paradigms and makes his interest in history and storytelling evident while questioning the relationship between art and the viewer, and the museum’s role. Based on the imaginary project ‘Museo del Arte de Sacramento’ (MAS) 2003, this exhibition proposes a walk through the 1,814 hectares of the MAS, which in this case has been transposed to Mexico City. This perimeter encloses the Museo Tamayo as well as several other sites that will host the exhibition simultaneously: Museo de Geología de la UNAM, Casa Vecina, Casa del Cine, and the INBA’s El Granero theater.

García Torres’ piece “Moonwalk (At Rigo’s place)” 2006, is part of Colección Dierésis and is included in this exhibition.